Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mayogaritas, anyone?

Anyone who's spent, well, any time with me knows my contempt for mayonnaise. When people ask why, I can only tell the truth: it's just gross.

I'm so known for hating it that a few years ago on my birthday, certain friends were going to give me $100 to drink a drink whose name is too racist and horrible to reprint here. It was a shot with Tequila, Rum, tobasco sauce, a lit match, and lined with, that's right, mayo.

Some have theorized I'm afraid of white, creamy substances. But I like yogurt and ice cream, so you can take your implied homophobia and shove it up yr ass (in a non-gay way, natch).

Matt sent this to taunt and haunt me. Apparently, mayo is a craze among younger kids in Japan, and I couldn't be more appalled. The offenders put it on everything from sushi to Margaritas. Taryn, care to explain?

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