Monday, April 10, 2006

Sprinnggg Brreeaaakkkk: Austin stylely
We leave for Austin Wednesday. My niece is getting baptised, and I'm the godfather. I think this means I'm in charge in case of emergency, but definitely it means I had to buy a suit, which was cool. I don't own anything of class, unless you count my car, which you shouldn't. The suit is nice, especially after alterations, though the place I bought it from, 3 Day Suit Broker, is exactly what it sounds like. I never thought suits could be herded like caddle, but there you go. George Zimmer might disapprove, but eff that guy. Who the hell does he think he is?! (Seriously though, what's up with that picture, George?).

We're really excited to be in Austin. The weather's supposed to be great, I'll see the fam, meet my niece, hang out with Texaken. And get this... Our hotel has its own Starbucks - what what?

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