Friday, November 05, 2004

No, but seriously. Who won?!
I don't have much to say about the election that's new or different. And I'm not much of a political critic or strategerist. I would, though, like to reiterate the profound disappointment of Kerry supporters and/or those who've simply paid attention to events in the past four years and said, "whaa???". I guess if I were to put into words what I've observed among people like me this week, it might look something like this:


I have two ideas about why one would support Bush. And by the way, if anyone besides my parents could explain why s/he voted for him, I want to hear it. (My parents are smart and I love them to death, but they only vote party lines and pay attention to news that confirms their beliefs). But seriously, folks. What gives?Was it the dishonesty and ensuing catastrophe that is Iraq? Was that what charmed you? The bullying of other nations? The magical narrowing of the church and state gap? The one-two punch of fire-'n-brimstone morality, and homophobia? Or maybe you just like your administrations smug and self-righteous. Ah yes, then I could see why.

(By the by, has anyone else noticed that Donald Rumsfeld is becoming increasingly more like The Colonel, Ross Perot's running mate in the '92 election? Or specifically, like Phil Hartman's "SNL" caricature of him as a senile loon? Just me?).

But if someone could tell me why they voted for Dubya, I'd listen with open and un-sarcastic ears. Promise. I live in LA, and am mostly surrounded by like-minded people when it comes to this. I mean, it's one thing if you just like him better than Kerry, but don't necessarily think he's a great leader. I understand that kind of voting. But otherwise, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Until someone makes a case, I have two ideas about Bush supporters.

1. They're scared out of their fucking minds. They're so afraid that we'll be wiped out by terrorists, that they want a guy in charge who'll annihilate anyone/thing that remotely resembles a threat to our security.

2. They're sheep. They eat up what the President says 'cause he's the President, and the majority of the country supports him.

I know we're supposed to be healing and coming together as a nation, etc., etc. And I agree that that's the right thing to do. But there's four years for that. Right now I'm pissed.

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