Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fuckin' Porsches
We got a big ol' settlement cheque, so the firm threw a pizza 'n beer lunch today. I've come to enjoy these social outtings with co-workers (Christmas parties, the company picnic), because a.) free beer, and b.) I get to watch the attorneys agonize over the plights of extreme wealth. With a few drinks, they're free to cut loose and show their true deuschy colors. Favorite soundbite from today:

"I kept pouring oil into my car but it wouldn't registar on the stick. Turns out Porsche 911's take 12 quarts of oil! Man, can you believe it?! Shit, I'm rich!"

(Maybe that last part was made up). That same guy (who, as a side note, is an emphatic Bush supporter) later insulted his wife for bugging him when he works at home. Sweet.

The good news is, as of late, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, er, at the... side... of the tunnel. Thanks to Matt, I'm officially doing free-lance work for a cartoon. It's a Japanese import. It might be more legitimate than "Japanese import" sounds. I mean, I'm not dealing in mail-order brides or anything. My job is to take what's been translated word-for-word, and make it sound like "Friends" for kids... if "Friends" were about pirates. If nothing else, it's a good distraction from Porsche talk.

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