Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Repeat As Necessary
I have a history of goofy sunburns.

Or rather, I have a history of haphazard sunblock application.

Either way, I have a problem with learning from my mistakes.

In high school, I was in a play (for which I won an award. Have I mentioned that before? I was pretty rad), and I had to appear on stage in nothing but boxers and a towel around my head. So I figured I'd brown my pasty Anglican-ness a little before revealing it to all of MCHS. It didn't go well. I got a ril, ril nasty burn that streaked all over my body. Even my eye lids were torched. I rubbed Aloe on that shit three times a day, and it stung. I ended up wearing a T-shirt on stage, and vowed that this would never happen again.

Cut to 2 years later when it happened again. Not as bad, but I still had to work at RobMay during Inventory Week. Now, as a dude, standing in the middle of the Lingerie department while folding and scanning women's underwear is awkward enough (though certainly not the worst occupational casualty I've endured). Add to that the fact that I was blotchy all over, and the looks I caught ranged from Curious to Very Uncomfortable to Should I Go For My Mace? This would be the last time I mis-applied sunscreen, for sure.

So you see where this is going.

This weekend, we went to the beach. This time, I walked away with a Little Brow Crown. It looks like I fell asleep with with my fingers spread across my forehead. But nope. I just missed that area. I thought about trying to play it off as tribal make up, my salute to the world's Aboroginies. Curiously, no one's buying that.

Oh well. Here's to next time.

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