Thursday, May 20, 2004

Went to Kick Ass, Don't Wait Up
The other morning at the coffee shop I flee to, I ran into a former student from USC. I pretended not to notice, but I could only feign fascination with the sign for new ice blendeds for so long. Inevitably, we made eye contact. She launched into how happy she was at her new job in advertising at Cartoon Network, how she changed her major 'cause she just wasn't meant for theatre, etc. And then she asked why I'm at a law firm. I think I muttered "because I'm masochistic", but really all I remember is bolting with my coffee the first chance I got.

Since then, I just really, really have loathed my job. For no particular reason. I mean, besides the enormous suckage. Just the most menial of tasks (a tough competition for what I do) pisses me off. The prick lawyers, extra pricky. The crusty old white bitches, especially honkey-ish and whiney. I started blaming Former Student. What kind of dark-hearted wench asks about my job?! Why hasn't she been drawn and quartered yet? And then it hit me.

It wasn't her fault (holy shit!).

In fact, she did me a favor. I've been way too complacent with this job for far too long. Not in the sense that I'm gonna march into someone's office and strut around to "Take This Job and Shove It!" (though I would... for a price). But in the sense that I've let myself get too cozy with mediocrity. Even my bitching is on auto pilot. Now that's some sad shit right there. So I'm lighting a fire under my ass. Gonna write more. A lot more. To borrow a phrase from a totally rad 1980s hit movie, "I feel the need / the need / for SPEED!!".

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